BLIP No. 1-0-9-5

Three years of photoblogging ... I can't believe I have stuck it out this long.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ENCOURAGEMENT -- visiting and commenting, "starring" and "hearting" -- as well as for all the wonderful and practical photography and blog ideas, and all the inspiring, breathtaking, and even cute shots I see every single day.

(Actually, this day should have been 32 shots later but, oh well, that was the pre-polaroid Crutacious period.)

Today, hubby went with me to work so that I could pick up even more exams without having to park my car too far away.  Very sweet of him!  Tonight, 1.5 hours after dinner (so that I could finish cleaning up in the kitchen first), we drove to Breda to my favourite restaurant (of the lost passport fame) for dessert and coffee, during which I took this shot.

Lots of things going on with hubby these days, which I will elaborate on in the course of time.  Suffice it to say, for now, that he's undergoing a rather stressful phase and isn't always sure how to relieve the mental strain.  I used to think this was a man-thing but now I understand it to be more of a youth-trauma-thing.  He's doing his best, I know, and so am I.

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