Wet dog

Doing a bike ride and taking the dog out, fitting in with work today, inevitably meant one outing was going to be a wet one. I plumped for cycling and once it started hammering down, I had no intention of stopping.

I did, however, have a number of desirable photo opportunities:

The rain spinning off my front wheel. The blurred view through my glasses. The woman who didn’t see me approaching as she pulled out and paused in front of me (not so good with wet brakes, it has to be said). The large droplets off the front of my helmet.

So, I have invented a new piece of technology, a blink camera (video out soon) which I reckon will take off.

However, given it’s all in my head, I took the camera out with the dog instead. We stood for a while, watched around a hundred thrushes flocking and took in the feeling of the trees. I liked this hanging leaf – it amused me. Little Dog got bored despite me interspersing the trip with ball throwing so she decided rolling in cow pats the feeling was preferable.

Needless to say, she got a good soaking when she got home with shampoo, a sponge and a hot bucket of water.

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