
By victoriangeny


This picture actually had a lot of meaning behind it. Last year, when I was in 10th grade, Max was a senior. Every year at Tri-Valley, we hold an annual “Teachers vs. Seniors” volleyball tournament. This is held the half day before Thanksgiving break. I would always tell Max that he was being sassy, and he would always laugh. During the volleyball game, he was being exceptionally sassy because his team was losing. In 2013, we had something new, something we’ve never done before at the tournament. The NHS (National Honor Society) created a twitter page for the student body to tweet at. At first, nobody wanted to tweet at it, and it was kind of awkward. Once the game continued on a little longer, people began to tweet at the twitter account. Some teachers even made a twitter account so they could tweet at the account. During the whole volleyball game, I kept tweeting that Max is bringing sassy back. They never read it out, like they were doing with other tweets, so it started to annoy me. A few minutes later, I had all of my friends start tweeting the account. After one of them got a mention and I didn’t, I was a tad bit salty. However, once I got my yearbook on Field Day in May of 2013, I saw this and was pleasantly happy.

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