ND Filter!!

It was certainly worth setting the alarm for 4.00am this morning to make sure I could be out at Elliott Heads for the Sunrise at just before 5.00am. I was cracking my neck to try out the ND Filter (8 stop) that Gitama had suggested I buy. I also had the added incentive of meeting Newcastle Downunder Jen's challenge of taking images at 1", 2" and 3" as a comparison. The one I've put up on Blip today was taken with a shutter speed of 3.2".

How come no one ever told me taking photos could be so much fun!! Well I obviously have a lot to learn, but then I often feel that's why I love this so much. I just know I will spend the rest of my life learning about this wonderful craft.

I'm going to put the three other images taken at a similar time here - just in case you're interested in seeing the comparison. They're SOOC so I'd be interested in feedback.

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