Journey Through Time

By Sue

I'm sorry...

...for such a bad image. My aunt has been here since she hasn't felt very good. I think she is feeling a bit better. We took her to her doctor for a late appointment this afternoon and he sent her over for blood tests. He is doubtful it is ulcers, so we are really hoping that her symptoms just go away. Generally she doesn't feel well, her tummy "bothers" her, but she couldn't really say what it was that is the "bother". Bill was good to drive us and it all worked out okay with the weather. We stopped at her place and got a few more things and then she is back here with us for the weekend. Her strength is slowly returning. I hear her puttering in the kitchen. Yesterday she didn't even feel like walking!

A bright and cheery, but cold day today. These little bush tits were flying around and I got them in the bird bath. Looks like it needs to be cleaned out.

Gotta run, kids. Take care.

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