Journey Through Time

By Sue

Drip Blip

The rain stopped, or nearly so, and I went up to the entrance to our housing area where some decorative maples are doing their thing. Most of the leaves are a golden tone, but a few were this color....more red in it. I added black to deepen things and this will be it for today.

It's a blah November day - a good day for hot tea and a small treat of some sort.

I'm reading a very good little obscure book. Actually I'm re-reading it. It is called Curve of Time by M. Wylie Blanchet. This is a collection of her stories she sold to help support her and her 5 kids after her husband died. They lived on Vancouver Island, BC and for many summers, she and the kids would get into their 25' boat and explore the whole of the area between the island and the mainland. That's a lot of coves, harbors, rivers and her little stories are gems. This was in the 1920's and 1930's and this is about a time and place that doesn't exist anymore. I doubt it will be in your library, but it is available on Amazon. It's a treasure of a little book. I bought it for my aunt when we were in the San Juan's on one of our trips.

Just thought I'd share that. Must go and I know I'm behind in your journals. I'll strive to do better.

Bye for now

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