Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

That's my ball!

Saturday... which means watching the boys play rugby. Adam is ill, the nurse at school thought he had glandular fever but it is just a viral flu type thing, so he is off-ex and could not play rugby today. Gavin and I both watched Thomas' match (usually we are split between the two matches) which was great, they won by a huge margin. Here he is making a break for it with the ball.

I have been nominated for the 5 day black and white challenge, so here is my entry for day 1 (which is on Facebook). It is the better photo I think but I wanted Thomas playing rugby in my journal.

I am all packed, and tomorrow I go to LPH in the Lake District for our blippers landscape workshop. I am really looking forward to it and I hope the weather will be kind to us. As it is about a 5-6 hour drive there I have decided to go by train from Euston Station, very civilised as I can read and relax. Not sure how much time I will have to look at journals this week so please bear with me.

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