A change from birds

In the centre of Sydney City at a conference. Less than 10 minutes into my morning run from the hotel I arrived at Circular Quay, which is where I got this photo of one of Sydney's tourist magnets. Sydney Opera House. From the west. The early morning sun was behind the Opera House. I liked the effect.

Immediately before I took this photo, I did actually photograph my 17th different Australian bird; the ibis. Highly visible on open grassed areas in the centre of Sydney. I have added the ibis to my bipfolio

The conference has been interesting so far. It is very nice to attend a conference accompanied by my son, as a peer. The opening Keynote presentation was given by a psychologist from Liverpool, Peter Kinderman. Basically arguing that mental health needs to take the next step and divest itself of medical diagnoses. His thesis is that people are in distress because of a combination of social, psychological and environmental factors. There is no biological disorder.

I am sceptical of anyone who makes a unitary explanatory hypothesis for the maladies that plague the souls of humans.

More tomorrow.

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