Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Grace Building

In the city today for the annual congress of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology, and the Law. At morning tea I had enough time to duck down to Haigh's Chocolates, and on the way there, was rather struck by the imposing Grace Building, imposing itself on the skyline. This was a rather quick snap, and in Av mode (which I shall blame for the blown highlights at the top of the building): I twisted the focus so that I thought everything would be focused ok at f/5.6 (the prospect of dust spots frightened me away from f/8); raised the camera close-to vertical (I think I'm incapable of avoiding at least a little tilt); clicked; and walked on. I didn't have a perfect symmetrical angle on it, which would have improved the shot vastly, but I'm quite happy with this nonetheless:

Larger is more gothic.

Flickr is even more gothicr

Soligor 1:2.8/35 on Pentax K-30. f/5.6

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