O Christmas tree

This huge conifer is in the back garden at work...the boss keeps threatening to chop it (and the neighbouring magnolia tree) down.....especially when I suggested decorating it for Christmas!

It's such a nice tree and the birds love it; it's great watching them flit in and out of the branches.

The only downside to it is that it blocks a lot of light, the lighting in surgery isn't that great either, so on a day like today it was rather gloomy.

It's been a good day. I had a longer lunch break so decided to visit my neighbour and do the cleaning a day early (as I'm off work tomorrow but going out for the day with my mum).

The house wasn't bad, I think because I gave it a thorough clean last week, so it didn't take me long.
I also changed her bedding, but another lady has offered to wash it (I didn't want to start with that as well!).
The other lady suggested I clean every 2 weeks, as it wasn't bad today, but Eileen has asked me to visit weekly still, which I don't mind doing as it stops it building up again.
It's a bit more company for her too.

She's got an iPad now that she's using for messaging; she types & it talks, but I'm trying to encourage her to speak to me herself as I think she will lose her speech entirely if she gives in.

I asked her about the Internet but she wasn't sure how to access it from the iPad, so I might check it out next time I visit and see if I can get her connected. It will make a change from watching tv and she can't use the laptop as easily anymore.

That's been my good deed for the day!

Happy Thursday blipmates :-)

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