Pretty Reckless

My back is in agony! Luckily though, today was my half day at work, and Mr A was off so that made me feel better.

We went for lunch to a local cafe where my Mum is pot washer; she does this voluntarily for 'something to do' and loves every minute. It made a change for me to see her at work, as it's usually her that calls in to see me.

Tonight we went into Manchester to see The Pretty Reckless in concert. This is a band we both like so we were looking forward to seeing them.

The queue for the venue was horrendous when we arrived (we were early though), so we decided to go for food.
We found a Chinese restaurant, which looked nothing special but had the most extensive menu I've ever seen. It was traditional cuisine and seemingly popular with the Chinese locals in Manchester.

Some of the food was bizarre for our tastes (intestines, duck tongue, tripe, pigs ears to name a few); we stuck to good old chicken & beef.
The food was delicious and we would definitely go there again if we have another gig around there in future.

The gig itself was disappointing. Mr A & I had a bit of a tiff about where to stand I was being a moody mare at having to stand in the first place, especially with a sore back. It's ok for him, he's tall so can see wherever we are.
I couldn't see a thing though and wanted to move into the middle of the crowd, but then Mr A said I was blocking someone else's view!

My argument was that there's always going to be someone who stands in front of you, that's the nature of gigs so you can't be precious about it. Fair enough, if you're tall then you don't want to be ignorant and ruin someone else's view but it happens, like it or not.

The show was disappointing in that there was too much faffing about. For some reason now, some bands fill their stage time with sound bites from movies etc. There was also quite a bit of (unnecessary) instrumental breaks; it was boring.
When she actually got going, the vocals were great, but it just seemed a long time until she got into the proper track.
The set wasn't very long either, despite the drawn outness of it all, an hour tops. We left before the encore.

So tonight's blip is from the Chinese, rather than the gig, as all I could see were the lights and the top of Taylor Momsen's head!

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