Pilgrimage to Macca

This is what my Mum calls our annual trip to the Manchester Christmas markets!

Friday wouldn't be my first choice for visiting, but it was my only weekday off work. We decided to go early to miss the crowds.
This was a wise decision; come 2pm it was getting busier with people finishing work and coming into town for the night.

We had a good wander round, bought some gifts and Mum visited our favourite French food stall for Provençal chicken and garlic potatoes. I declined this year as I didn't want to reek of garlic, plus it's takeaway night so didn't want a huge meal.
I opted for the spicy bratwurst instead!

As always, we had to stop for a mulled wine and we got a good deal due to the server not being able to add up! I had a gluwein with amaretto and Mum had hot chocolate with amaretto; both should have been £4.50 each with a £2 deposit for the each of the cups.
She only charged us £6!! Mum decided to keep the cups as a souvenir.

We had a great day, but I'm exhausted now! Just time for a couple of hours with my feet up, before we go to Laura's.

Have a great weekend :-)

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