with all white houses in our town. With characteristical trees. They were trimmed in spring (I think) and show now a very different face again.
In the early morning there was mist and I got that idea of taking a misty photo.
So I walked down the hill and looked around, I had a marvellous walk, in a way one would say it was cold but I did not feel it.
I simply enjoyed the strange atmosphere that comes with the mist.
In the afternoon first the mist had lifted a bit and Piet Hein and I worked in the garden. I tackled the laurel (again), I am glad I know now how to proceed and as it is situated on a steep slope, it is a bit of hard work but I carefully felt where I safely stood.
Piet Hein trimmed the hedge of buxus. Day two for him, and lots of days to come. But as I said before, make small amounts of work, do it every day and after some time you can be surprised how much you have done, all in good spirits.
An all day mist, with only one moment a signal from the sun that she was still somewhere hidden. Not for good I hope.

My haiku:

The old white houses
Show their original designs
As powerful signs

And the proverb:

Sit in your place, and none can make you rise.

1611 Cotgrave, 'Seoir'.

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