Colourful boring

November Theme Challenge Day 26: Wednesday Wisdom – thoughts, words, ideas or situations to make us think!

Another fine day in this beautiful place, and the morning dog wander was lovely as the sun came up under skies striped with high, broken clouds.
I trundled off to work, knowing that I would miss the best of the day as I worked away on the bathroom fit I am doing.
Inspiration for the challenge, or any photography at all, is hard to come by when I am stuck in a small room with little in the way of a view. Thankfully I have actually managed to achieve something today and I expect that tomorrow I will make more progress.
A couple of days ago, I bought my beautiful fiancée a cordless drill, just for her. We have a lot to do in the house and an extra drill will always come in handy. It is pink. Very pink. It is unlikely I will steal it and take it to work. HV told me today that she has ordered a massive set of drill bits and screwdrivers and so on to go with her drill.
Whilst in my merchant's this afternoon, the pink drill was being discussed. Another plumber questioned the wisdom of my giving HV her own drill. I needn't worry. I know it is in safe hands...

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