
By Ivanbar1


I was mooching about the farm looking for something to photograph and thought these beehives looked very pretty sitting in the paddock surrounded by green. I love the colour combination (quite random I am sure), but to me soft pinks and blues go so well together. I also like the texture of the faded paint.
When you are close to the beehives you become so aware of the energy of the bees as they go about their task of making honey. They were pretty active so I didn't hang around too long.
After the bee paddock, I walked over to the old cowshed. I went inside I could hear birds chirping and it seemed to be coming from the area of the shed where the milk vat used to sit. I climbed up and sure enough that was where the sound was coming from. On the floor was a red , plastic bucket full of hay, which on closer investigation turned out to be a birds nest with two baby birds in it. I think they are starlings. It was'pretty dark up there so I will go back tomorrow with a light and take some photos...hopefully they will still be there!

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