Interruption in service

My usual thing is to host the Music Group session on the second Saturday of the month. Apart from giving group members a point of regularity to cling to in a schedule which sees sessions moving from house to house in unpredictable fashion, as I jokingly say, it also forces me to clean and tidy my place at least once a month.

This usual routine is upset this month. I got a notice last week to say that our electricity supply will be interrupted tomorrow, and this can happen any time between 8.30 am and 5.00 pm, so I had to arrange a switch of hosting at short notice. We had another interruption a couple of months ago, and I presume this one is to do with the same thing.

It's only when the lecky isn't there that you fully appreciate how much a part of life it is and how much we take it for granted. Knowing that I may be cut off at any without warning tomorrow means that I better not plan any work, so I'll have to make up for that tonight instead. I just hope the power will be on in the morning so I can enjoy my breakfast.

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