
By Dollykgray

MonoMonday, Seasons. NOT-HAPPY-JAN!

Aussie blippers may remember this ad and this expression has become a household phrase. The first snow this SEASON was forecast for today . I thought this was appropriate for the first of December even though the official start of Winter over here is the 21st. You will probably come to see from my blips over the next few months (except when I am in Australia for Christmas, of course) that I love snow. I was so looking forward to it today and peered out of the window early morning to wet and windy conditions. Instead of lovely fluffy snow flakes we are having ice rain, freezing winds and black ice. Not-happy-Jan. Outside I saw icicles forming on the letter box and on the poles of Hubby´s scaffolding. All surfaces exposed to the wind are also covered in ice. At least it gave me a blip.

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