.....this is an M & S Limited Edition bobble hat - and of course, me being silly trying it on.

I didn't mean it to come down right over my eyes, but I guess this one was made for someone with BIG hair that could be piled up inside - and when you have small hair, it just sort of slips over the eyes.

I took Mr. HCB Christmas Shopping today - the first time I have asked him to come for 46 years, I might add, and I needed someone to carry the shopping, so who better?

He did a splendid job but when I started trying hats on AND taking selfies, he wandered off - so when I eventually managed to get this one off, he was nowhere to be seen - isn't that just typical of a man!

When we got home, I asked him how he had enjoyed his first experience of Christmas Shopping to which he responded, "Well, I wasn't excited!" which given that I bought the coffee and paid for most of the goods, I thought was a little unkind - he could have tried to enjoy it more.

Perhaps I should ask him to wrap the presents to see if that excites him - or perhaps not - I do want them done for this year!

The excellence of a gift
lies in its appropriateness
rather than in its value.
Charles Dudley Warner

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