
By PJG844

Look On Yonder Wall

Up at 05:45, things to do, places to go, yay. Hmm, wet, mucky day. Can't be … bothered. Made the fire, had brekkie*, sat down with a book and dozed off. 3M happily clacked away with her knitting and finished a sock. She's already done one pair for her sister who lost one of her newly knitted socks when she broke her leg the other week. Apparently she got quite vocal when they had to cut it off, saying “don't ruin it, my little sister knitted that”. The sock was only 3 days old. In its short life it made a dumpy old lady very happy. Much mourning, there was. Still, she can use the remaining sock on Christmas Eve, eh? Probably only get coal anyway.

A few days ago another blipper (Kackerstrophic) posted a pic of a wall in her house-to-be that had 1970's wallpaper. Oh, ho, sez I, call that 1970s. I'll show you 1970s. And there it is above. It's in MY byre (still capitalising I am, Mr B) at one end of the longest part. There's other, older wallpaper elsewhere but, to me, this does epitomise the 70s. Or late 60s. The fireplace has been started to be pulled out but I wish they had done that at the other end as that's where I'll be doing stuff (I love talking technical terms). Just to the left, covered in lamb poo, is the pen that I made for the orphan lambs this year. As our byre is across the road from our neighbours and their barn where they keep the ewes and lambs during lambing season is ½ a mile away I offered the byre for them to keep the lambs in as it was closer. I knocked that together with my now fully justified purchase of a nail gun. The conversation for that went something like this:

3M - Why do you need a nail gun?
Me - Because
3M - Will you use it?
Me – Yeth
3M - What will you use it for?
Me – Stuff.

I know how to mount a convincing argument.

* Poached eggs on haggis. Mm-hmm. Although, being the pedant that I am I have to state they were steamed in a poacher. So not really poached. But very nice. Happy, Ms D in the Antipodes?

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