Journey Through Time

By Sue

Varied Thrush

This is another of our winter birds. They eat primarily insects and you can see them searching on the ground, under shrubs, etc. They are about the size of our N. American Robin, as they are in the same Thrush family. Several of them have been in our backyard lately and I got this one through my dirty window when he was in the area of the water fountain. They were all taking turns or pushing one another out of the way for awhile. These birds look like they have been hand painted to me. This might be one of the birds born this summer, as his black band isn't filled out completely yet.

I went south to the Penzey's spice store which is near the Clackamas Mall. I wanted to get these little gift boxes s to give for Christmas presents to my SIL, and my aunt. It comes with recipe cards, a fridge magnet, and a little dish cloth. I thought that would be a fun gift for them.

So, that's about it. I awoke with a blasted sinus headache thing, and it's been nagging at me all day, despite some meds I took. My husband said I woke him up with my snoring! Jeeeezzzz, I hate that. When did I get to be the old lady who snores? This can't be happening to me. :(

Well, off to fix dinner. See ya later. And Happy Birthday to our son. We will have a family dinner and celebration Saturday....then he will feel better as his cold will be on the way out, and maybe none of us will get it.

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