Praying Mantis

I've not had a praying mantis in my garden before, this tiny one arrived with my new dianthus plants. I've been keeping an eye on him and watching him grow. He was quite puzzling in the early stages as the front legs weren't quite so defined and I had no idea what he was, but now all is clear - a praying mantis.

But I think not just any old praying mantis as there is a spot on his left front leg which could well be the spot of our endemic New Zealand praying mantis otherwise known as Orthodera novazealandiae. Found in gardens, parks and lowland bush, quite often on top of leaves or flowers, praying for a meal. A juvenile which I'll watch with interest as he should turn bright green in time and I hope I'm not wrong, time will tell.

Not the best of shots as it was a little windy and the sun had gone, I also think sometimes I get too close to my subject, so this is the best of a few shots.

The rest of the day hubby and I had a quick trip into the city to swap cars with E as her car is booked for a service tomorrow. We then looked and got completely confused over pavers. We decided on a colour but the size was not right or the size was right and not the colour - was most frustrating! We called it quits for the day, time to come home and have a rethink.

The weekend is nearly over, hope its been a great one for you :)

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