Mellow Yellow

I am later in putting up my blip today and also haven't been able to look at your journals today as I spent five hours in the After Hours Clinic.

The past few weeks I have been getting a lot of pain in my tummy that I thought was my IBS playing up so have been very careful on what I have been eating. Then Friday the pain was more constant and by Saturday it was really sore. I tried to wait until Monday and see my GP but couldn't as it moved down more and was so painful all the time. John took one look at me and said I should go and have it looked at.. which is very unseal for him as the normally says wait you may get better tomorrow.

At the Clinic it was chaos as their computers had all gone down. They came round with lollipops and apologising for the long wait. The doctor seems to think I have a kidney infection as I have a lot of white cell in the test. She also gave me some really strong tablets to ease the pain.. but they just don't work, all they do is make me sleepy and a little sick. Also the Antibiotics are the strongest ones as well and should kick in fast.. so far they haven't. Do hope I get a better sleep tonight.

I did take this shot of the yellow lily this morning as they have just come out. I well try and catch later.

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