If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Looking the other way!

This afternoon was bright and clear but very cold. I decided as I hadn't "exposed any electrons" I would have a run round after doing the recycling. I ended up going up to the forest and parking the car while I had a walk.

Going round the forest I took shots of snow covered forest roads, sun streaming through the trees, views of the Caldbeck fells etc. When I got back to the car and headed for home I was just moving away from the trees when this view presented itself.

The road is basically single track so I pulled into a passing place got out and took a few quick shots. When I came to look at them on the computer I preferred this one to those in the forest. Partly I suppose because I rarely show shots away from the fells. This shot is looking across country to the Eden Valley and the Pennines beyond.

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