Just chillin'

This lovely piece of woodcraft sits in a niche near the main restaurant and every time I see it I think how much it resembles what we’ve been doing here this past week, hanging on the baleh (the covered terrace/deck), reading, or sitting at the table on the iPad or laptop (when the internet was working).

To be honest, when you look at it more closely, there might be a kind of gender role play going on, although I could be assuming too much, but it looks very much like the male is resting and maybe reading, while the female is doing some kind of housework probably, sifting the rice, making baskets or mats maybe.

Our time in Bali is almost up, due to both of us catching a flu we didn’t venture out of the resort this time. Nevertheless there are few places on earth that I know where it is so nice just hanging and relaxing even when under the weather.
Thanks so very much for your kind comments, stars and faves for yesterday’s sunset colours, it even reached the Spotlight !

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