ONE House

I love the way this ONE house has been decorated for Christmas. There are an awful lot of lights on the house itself and along the drive up to the house but I think these have been done tastefully. I hope the owners would not have minded me walking up their drive to take the photograph. It is on a road which cuts through from the main road to my village so I pass it frequently. I have also seen several other houses somewhat more brash with waving Santas, sleighs, snowmen and bells in a multitude of colours - they may feature in other seasonal blips. Our own decorations will be rather more minimalist and go up closer to Christmas.

I had a lovely lunch with a photographer friend who I assist with lighting on some of her photo shoots (I am the Lady with the Lamp!) and she is helping me to improve my photography.

I have also been over to see the Nativity play at my granddaughter's nursery. She was a 'star' but got stage fright and decided Mum's lap was the place to be!

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