Nose For A Story

I met lovely Maisie late this afternoon near Parndon Mill on the banks of the Stort Navigation.

As you can see she has a Roman nose. Her owner told me that it is said that greyhounds with such noses run faster. Whilst researching I discovered that this characteristic is also called a ram's nose. I get that, just before I met Maisie I had been stroking a ram's curvy muzzle. Rammy kept lifting one of his front legs as if to shake my hand. I think he was trying to tell me that he has a sore foot. A woman approached who I thought might be the owner of the ram and I told her about the animal's foot. She said, "I'm his sister." What? :) She meant that she is the sister of the main man at the mill. Hope they take a look at Rammy's foot.

My mother used to refer favourably to aquiline noses when I was a child. The word sounded exotic, I didn't realise that it meant hooked like an eagle's beak. "A high, curved bridge characterizes the Roman nose. Its name is derived from roman art, which depicted figures with long, high-bridged noses. They therefore were symbols of people with authority, both moral and institutional. They also have an aura of nobility and courage. In women, the overall effect it has on their faces is very popular and attractive to men." Trust my mother. :rolleyes:

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