
By Chaos

Soft Light on Fresh Mud

So what I learned today is that if you want to study the effects of natural light, i.e. the sun, you must do that before it gets dark. So you must start looking for light before 10 P.M.

This is low tide at Ship Creek at about 10:30 P.M. near the Port of Anchorage. Yes, those people are fishing at night in the mud.

What caught my eye was not the fishermen but the soft silvery light on the fresh mud. And there is lots of mud there, about 30 feet deep mud. At high tide the water level comes up to the level of the little people on the left.

As I was watching the mud I was struck with an elementary school question. What makes the sunset sky red? And not only that, why is the daytime sky blue? Remember, now, I am studying light and the behavior of light so these are important elemental questions.

Where is Arrow? I bet he knows the answers.

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