Where are the deer?

There weren't too many deer to be seen in the park today, and that's a good sign, one of the best signs that spring is almost here. I know we will have some more cold days and probably some more snow, but it won't last, and the deer know it. They have moved back into the woods, away from the trails and away from the park visitors. No more mooching of food because now they are able to find their own food. This deer was one of several that crossed the road near where I was standing, pausing for a drink of water before disappearing into the trees.

More good news about my arm: The doctor says the break is healed and the therapist says I am making very good progress. My big goal is to get my right arm to move as easily as my left arm does. With time and therapy that will happen. Today I am happy that I have been given permission to drive and to take my Nikon D40 to the park for blipping. Three cheers for blipping!

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