I wasn’t up quite as early this morning and must confess I am not feeling as good today. The visit to the physiotherapist went well and she was pleased with all I had accomplished by doing the various exercises, but the not-so-good news was that I have a Baker’s Cyst on the back of my knee that is quite painful, so at the moment I am feeling a bit down. Hopefully wearing a compression splint and putting a bag of frozen peas at the back of my knee for 10 minutes a day will help, and I am praying that further intervention will not be necessary.

We went out for our usual coffee and then stopped on the way home so that I could take a few photographs. Probably because I am feeling as I am, I wasn’t really happy with any of them, so this one reflects my sad mood, on a cold and frosty morning - looking at this, it’s hard to believe that it is right next to a busy road and just 5 minutes from where we live.

I know I will “get over it” and for most of the time since I injured my knee, I have been very upbeat - however, in the meantime, as I let this feeling of sadness just sweep over me I will try to focus my mind on the many blessings I have and then hopefully, normal service will be resumed very soon.

Why am I discouraged?
Why am I restless?
I trust you!
And I will praise you again
because you help me,
and you are my God.
Psalm 42:11
Contemporary English Version

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