The Cup Song

Today was the Linton Youth Music, Musical Selection Box. We all took part and you can read all about it over on H's blip.

The highlight for me was Poppy and Isabelle and the Cup Song. The were fantastic, I was holding back the tears I was so very proud. They were beat and note perfect. Well worth the hours we have had to endure it being played around the house, and all of the little lumps taken out of the breakfast bar ;) Those with Eagle eyes might notice that they are using the finest Le Mans beers cups !

Anyway it was great,

We Accelerants played a couple of songs to open, acoustically which was a bit of a change but really enjoyable. Alas we were Mattless so down to four which made things a little tricky. Luckily it was ok and special thanks to Jamie who sang his lungs out.

One week left until Christmas Holidays........


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