Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

I work in a church now...

No. I'm not a minister. Or in any way religious. ;)

Today was my first day in my new job which is based in an old converted church. Its absolutely gorgeous both inside and out (albeit mighty cold!!) and has a really great feel about it. I always though a church would feel very clinical feeling inside and wouldn't have a good 'feel' to it but I was wrong. It's very homey and the people there have really made it into a nice place to spend your day.

My brain is pretty full of information now though. As A so accurately put it, it's the first time I've actually used my brain for work in the last 4 years or so. It just wasn't ready!! And that's me barely even started the job! Today was mainly spent learning about the company, all the people and it's affiliate companies. There are only 3 women who work for it though so everyone was very helpful and make me feel at home. Many cups of tea were had. ;)

Definitely snuggling up with my kitties and having an early night tonight...

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