Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Aw crap.

I've been selected for jury service.


Although when I came through the door, part of me did think 'thank God it's not a bill'. ;)

Its on May 4th so that week will be certainly interesting for me 'giving back to our government'. 4th jury service....6th election. Just out of curiousity can they make us do service on the 6th if it means we can't then vote? I assume not but I'm not sure...

Today was day number 2 of new job. It was great and much less tiring than yesterday but I still learned loads of new things. I do think I'm going to have to start going for a walk at lunch though - apparantly there's nothing quite as soul destroying as sitting at your desk for an entire day...

Also I booked a very overdue dentist appointment for Saturday morning. Pray for me people...

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