random rancid rambles

By rancidand

Male Pregants Doctors Wanted

Don't ask me.

Went to Bugle Rock, by the Bull Temple - liked both. kids with plastic bottles as sliders down steep rock - vid to follow in future.

Then walked a long way in the heat. Witnessed a traffic jam caused by a dispute between a three wheeler van, and everyone else. The van driver drove off and a police man grabbed a ride on the back of a motorbike to chase him down. I had been walking along the street and shortly after I caught them so did everyone else. I left without seeing if fisticuffs ensued.

Eventually asked someone the way to Tippoo Sahib's palace, the fort and city market. The guy understood city market and pointed. As I was heading that way I saw a minaret so wandered down some backstreets, and then some more until a small boy came running behind me just in time to alert me to the dead end (like the end of a close) as I got there. It definitely wasn't a slum but there were a lot of people living in (pretty decent looking concrete houses) a small area. Did find the fort and the palace, and then walked back to the hotel to prime myself for beers and then the game.

Fantastic. Robin Utthapa was great. I was high enough to see the field settings.

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