All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Ethans introduction to summer!

Well the warm weather continued today so Ethan was dressed in a short sleeved t-shirt and short dungarees for the first time! The weather forecast isn't so great for the rest of the week though so I suspect he won't get much, if any, wear out of them before he grows too big for them.

Had a nice day today. Spent the morning just doing shopping at Morrisons and picking up a prescription. Bumped into a girl in Morrisons who also goes to our Baby Sensory class and as it turns out she only lives a few streets away from me we swapped numbers and will make plans to go for walks together with our boys soon. Later in the day I saw my neighbour whose garden backs on to ours outside with her pram. I don't know the couple at all but I've noticed their lights on several times when I've been up feeding Ethan at 4am and then saw her hubbie in their kitchen the other night with a baby strapped to him. I had a chat with her and turns out her baby is 9 weeks younger than Ethan and was also in SCBU so we're going to try to get together for coffee soon too to compare notes.

In the afternoon a friend came round with her wee baby for a few hours so we had a catch up. So I'm feeling very sociable today!

I haven't really mentioned Obi over the past few days as there isn't much to report. He's still not showing any signs of wanting to eat by himself so the tube feeds continue. He is also still spending most of his time hiding in the airing cupboard and I feel really bad I just don't have much time to spend with him as he does still like to be made a fuss of. We have a vets appointment tomorrow so will see if he can see any improvement in his condition.

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