Confrontational tree swallows

These two swallows were having a very unfriendly conversation about which one had squatter's rights to the top of the nesting box. Eventually one flew away , and the other one settled in to enjoy his victory, proving once again, "To the victor belong the spoils!"

It's been a busy day. After my photowalk and some projects related to my blips and my smugmug galleries, Bob and I took off for a little town in the next county (Geauga County) where our grandson was running in a track meet. From there we drove into the city to a funeral home for calling hours for our neighbor's mother. Finally, long after we began to feel hungry, we got to a restaurant where I enjoyed some really good California style pizza and a glass of wine. Home at long last, I must post this blip and go to bed. Hopefully, tomorrow the pace will be a little slower.

One more thing: I asked permission from two more strangers today to take their picture. Both said yes, so I will post links to those portraits tomorrow for anyone who is interested.

Night All!

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