they never have what you need anyway

It's sometimes odd how bits of town which generally have the same level of busy-ness throughout the week seem much quieter at the weekend when the bits which get busy at the weekend get busy. Also odd when some people who should be in the busy bit are evidently wandering around completely the wrong area for whatever it is they should be doing. Stag parties often occasionally drift into side streets and occasionally turn up in smallish localish restaurants but it's still sometimes a bit odd to see them trundling along quietish streets in daylight, and odder still to see them not pre-drunk and wearing relatively normal clothing, albeit that which makes them all look effectively identical and not at all at home in the area they were wandering about in. Then again, it could be me ascribing uncomfortableness to what they were wearing just because I'd feel uncomfortable and twattish if that's what I was wearing.

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