A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Instruments of torture

I've spent all day confined to a room that alternated between extreme darkness and bright light. I've had various bright lights shone in my face. In the background looped tracks of static and feedback have been played at varying levels. I went out for 10 minutes to get some food and was confused by the bright light of the sky. I haven't eaten enough and I haven't drunk enough. I missed 4 pleading calls and a text from my husband bedbound at home with a bad back. I forgot about my children. I wouldn't have noticed the four minute warning.

I'm now heading home on a bus and trying to remember what day it is and where I live.

Why? For my hobby, of course. Tech days are a form of torture but strangely pleasurable and extraordinarily satisfying to be on the other side of. Well, that's what I'm expecting to think in the morning after a take-out, some mindless tv and sleep.

Doesn't look like they'll be much commenting happening over the next few days so apologies in advance for my blip neglect. Tomorrow is final bits of tech and dress, which should be gentler for me. Am taking my camera for dress so will hopefully blip something from that tomorrow.

Lesley x

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