Weeding with Omar

There's nothing Omar finds tastier than a dandelion flower. I've been witness to the tortoise crashing and stomping her way through the flower beds in search of food and, despite tasting a great deal of plants, it's the dandelion that wins every time. It's fortunate that I have a lot of them in the garden. It's nice to have such a formidable weeder in the garden.

I have a phrase relating to the tortoise. "Has Omar charged up yet?" I ask Fred when I wake up. We can tell how warm it is outside by Omar's movements. If the tortoise is still asleep, then it's not that warm outside. But if she has been charged up by sunlight, then she's powering down the garden looking for tasty plants. She's definitely solar-powered.

The window people came around the fix the rusty nails today. We've had the windows for only a month so I was alarmed to see they were rusting already. However, it's all sorted now, but I'll keep a close eye on them. Omar gave the men quite a shock when she powered into them out of nowhere. I had to pick her up when she was in full throttle and move her to the other end of the garden. I then kept my fingers crossed that she would stay there until the men had fixed the windows. I heard no yelps or crashing of ladders so I think she behaved.

Late in the afternoon, I was sitting with the cat in the only piece of sunshine left in the garden when the cat leapt up and away. I looked up to see Omar advancing at speed towards her last "charging-up" area of the day. I decided the space was big enough for only one animal and got out of her way swiftly.


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