
By Skyroad


I have changed the main blip again, another from the Fest of World Culture in Dún Laoghaire. I like the little drama that's going on here, on the periphery of the choreographed stage-show for the Falun Whatchmacallit; the theatrical gesture of the guy on the left, and the way the container ship has a little sail-on part.

The original main blip, that Zane commented on, is THIS ONE.

I will add some more links when I've time. I am tired, just back from my monthly injection of concentrated American culture, nonstop crash and Bourne. Goodnight.

Now I am rested, here's a couple of extra links form the day. On my way to the seafront, where the main acts of the Festival were taking place, I noticed these PIGEONS perched on the roof of the dilapitated Baths (allowed go the same way as Blackrock Baths, which I've often photographed).

And here's another pic from the Falun dance thingy, showing the crowd gathered near ONE OF THE PERFORMERS

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