Vista Park Pix

By VistaBob

CPR Class for Bike Club

Rapt attention among the members. One of our members had actually been revived.


CPR is a lifesaver. Its power was illustrated in this true story as the lives of Danny, Curt, and Sarah came together in a dramatic way.

Sarah stepped out of her car and saw Danny collapse.

Curt had just said that it was Danny?s turn to buy the cookie. He thought it was a joke when Dan looked stricken and fell.

Dan had just pedaled 20 miles on his bike to the bagel shop when he collapsed. Breathing had stopped and he had no pulse.

Curt previously had told Dan to have that ?heaviness? in his chest checked out. On the previous Friday, Dan had pedaled 40 miles with about 1000 feet of uphill on a ride to a bicycle club breakfast. He rode another 40 miles on Monday and still noted the heaviness.

On Wednesday morning, when they arrived at the bagel shop, they were ready for a cookie to share. Then Dan fell...

Sarah was five months pregnant. She normally did not stop for a bagel, but today she had a craving. So she pulled into the parking lot and happened upon the scene of this emergency, noting that Dan appeared distressed and she watched him fall.

Meanwhile, Curt said ?Call 911?, untangled Dan from his bike, and started CPR.

By then Sarah arrived on the scene and with her trained surgeon?s discipline, took charge. Checked pulse - ?No Pulse?. Checked breathing - ?No Breathing?. Checked for an open airway with a breath into Danny?s mouth. Then she started chest compressions.

Soon an anonomous bystander, a strong young man, came forward and said, ?I?ve had CPR training but never done it. Can I help??. Sarah showed him where to place his hands and he continued the chest compressions.

Dan?s eyes opened and he started breathing His heart had resumed beating.

After arrival of the police car, the fire truck, and the ambulance, Dan was taken to the emergency room. In the afternoon, he said, ?I feel fine?.

Upon further investigation, however it was revealed that he had a 95% blockage in the ?Widowmaker? artery. That was resolved with a quadruple bypass operation and Dan is now recovering nicely.

Dan was very lucky. The lives of Dan, Curt, and Sarah had all come together, in the right place and at the right time.

The lesson we should take this story is ?Take CPR training!?

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