Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra

It's amazing what kids will put in their mouths...

When I signed up for motherhood, I never thought I'd be encouraging my daughter to put a giraffe in her mouth - and I must admit I was rather puzzled by this gift for Lyra at Christmas. I put it down to the fact that the gift giver was Canadian - and very lovely but a little odd... It would seem though that Sophie La Giraffe is the must have chew toy for small people.

Chewing a giraffe is all well and good but I am also rather taken with SeeingasIam's idea yesterday of giving Lyra one of the dog's rawhide chews...


In other news - with the help of the sofa, Lyra stood up by herself for the first time yesterday. She is very much doing things in the wrong order. Bless her.

Also you may be interested in this article about Blip. I love the fact that 'we are grown up and use punctuation'! So true though. I neither understand text speak, nor want to! (and I am only 27, younger than your average Blipper it would seem).

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