All that I'm after...

By AllThatImAfter


Juba: Can they hear you?
Maximus: Who?
Juba: Your family. In the afterlife.
Maximus: Oh yes.
Juba: What do you say to them?
Maximus: To my son - I tell him I will see him again soon. To keep his heels down while riding his horse. To my wife... that is not your business.

Spent the whole day sick as a dog. Couldn't eat or drink much and my whole abdomen hurt. In the afternoon it rained and the cool air felt good on me. Watched lots of TV, read a book or two... this is the movie Gladiator, which I watched on TV during the evening. It was the best I could do for a picture really.

It wasn't until very late that night I could get up and pack. I left the next morning at 7AM for my conference in DC. In retrospect, going to DC might not have been the best idea... but hindsight is 20/20, as they say.

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