A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


Safe place in a game of chase.

Spent a large part of the day with a parent friend from school and his youngest, who is in Anna's nursery class. His oldest is in J's class. His kids are adopted. Without going into detail, they didn't have a great start in life and the dominant theme of their early years was their safety. In the most basic sense imaginable.

They are on such a different road now.

One of those perspective moments. My kids are so advantaged in so many ways. Not least that whether or not they are safe is rarely a consideration. It's a given.

Off to the school quiz night later. Not that there's much danger anyway but I really hope we don't win. The prize is organising next year's quiz night. Have you ever heard of a worse prize? Still, on a team with 2 lots of our neighbours so should be a fun night.

Stay safe folks
Lesley x

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