
Early start this morning as the man had to be in Edinburgh for nine. Ironing a dry linen shirt in this heat is not my idea of fun. If it wasn't humid enough before I started, it certainly was afterward.

Still, did mean I had everything finished ready for the "other" man when he brought the shopping. Tins and packets were quickly removed from their baskets onto worksurface, floors and chairs. Then took me another hour and a half to put it all away. So much for home delivery being the easy option!

Had just finished and went upstairs to find this guy flying around in the shower room. Looks a bit battered to me - (the tiny hairs are on him not my sensor) - but he soon left through the window. Quite glad I didn't have to get him out myself. He wasn't a happy chappy!

Anyway, it doesn't take a leap of the imagination to work out why I thought of sting. He's performing a track from one of my favourite albums, Dream of the Blue Turtles. BTW check out the video - is he playing that guitar? Where's his bass and what's with the legs?.

PS Thanks to everyone who has looked in over the last few days. Felt a bit washed out and something had to give so turned the commenting off. Am hoping normal service will now resume!

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