
By champignons

Lensbaby, again

I just can't stay away from it. Though Julia came round so I was really just showing her it. And i took my first proper portraits with it, which I'm pretty pleased with. I think my favourite is probably THIS but since I regard any photos of me, even ones the photographer is proud of, with some horror, I thought I would display it on my largely ignored Flickrstream... though Julia is gorgeous and probably wouldn't have the same fear of photos of her good self as I do.

And also I don't seem to be asking permission to blip people these days (like Theo yesterday- thanks Mel- He's so gorgeously photogenic, I only feel bad that his lovely sister and mum weren't also in shot!). Blip has become a hazard of knowing me!

I chose this one because it has photographic interest; sadly I have forgotten the name of the camera already (It's taken me at least 5 minutes to obliterate it from my memory) but if anyone knows a website or such with instructions on how to use it she'd like to know.

It has really cool bellows and everything, looking forward to seeing how the pictures come out (since Julia is one of those very clever photographers that gets her films developed. Unlike me. Despite my living closer to the camera shop.. which was why she was around here today..)

Anyway. I'm gibbering. Congratulations on getting this far. I indeed anyone has. Wonderful day today, spent mostly in the garden. The dinosaurs were fed yoghurt and given a bath and stomped around going RAH and also RRyum when they ate their yog. Such good dinos.

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