Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Maths Homework

After months of dormancy, and weeks of gentle persuasion, my brain has finally returned! Hurrah! Maybe the heat activated it - after all, I spent years studying for exams in the heat of summer, so I associate hot weather with intellectual activity!

Next Thursday is the final final final deadline for the first assignment on my current Open University Maths course (I've had the maximum extension allowed because I've been so ill). I don't imagine I shall be able to get the whole assignment completed by this deadline, but even if I submit only half, it'll be a potential 50% for this assignment, which is well worth having!

So, today, I sat in my shorts and vest, reading, understanding, making notes from, and learning the material from my course book! It's marvellous to use my brain again. Great stuff!

In case you're wondering - I'm doing a course on geometry and group theory this year. Today was work on geometry - different types of tilings (i.e. the way shapes fit together). Groovy!

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