
Meet Cathal, one of the guys from the Music Group.

We had a really good music session today, and it was my turn to take the floor for the final 30 minutes with my choice of music presentation. I chose music by Joachim Raff, a one hugely popular composer whose reputation disintegrated after his death. I mentioned yesterday that I'd been desperately frustrated when trying to get my support material printed after my own printer refused to cooperate. Carl came to the rescue, and I went over to his place last night to print out my stuff on his printer, so I was all set when the moment arrived today.

Today also saw a pleasant surprise when one of the group members we rarely see turned up for the session. After the obligatory couple of bevvies in the local pub afterwards, He and Cathal honoured me by being passengers in my car. It was back in Paul's place that I took this shot of Cathal in pensive mood.

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