Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Sepia Guitars

Another gorgeous day! More maths, some viola practice (and probably later a bit of flumpophone too), and a couple of hours with my CPN, which went well.

Also, a glorious session lying out on the lawn this afternoon, feeling the sun on my skin and luxuriating in the beautiful warmth. I really AM solar powered!

Today's blip has nothing to do with any of that! I've been amazed at how many blips are in black and white or sepia, and, on fiddling around with my camera I found it had a sepia setting (yes, I KNOW, I'm not really a photographer though).

I wanted to try it out, but couldn't find any stiff looking people in Edwardian dress hanging around the house, so I tried it on my guitars instead. I'm not really sure what I feel about it - I'm so colour driven (I ADORE colours) that it looks a bit odd to me, rather washed out and lifeless.

I usually like photographs because they show what things ACTUALLY look like - and changing the colours does just the opposite. However, I like the irony of the old-fashioned sepia with the modern electric guitars.

I'd still describe myself as a "beginner" on guitar. I started learning just before my most recent episode of illness and didn't get very far. Once I've caught up on other aspects of life I'll get back to it - I'm particularly keen to play the bass as I just love basslines!

If you want to see the guitars in colour, there's a picture of them here!

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