Simple Pleasures

By shadymutton

Through My Eyes

This is what my world looked like today...and what it will look like tomorrow, and the next day...possibly the day after that.

Might I mention that I did not design or build this deck. I would not have chosen lattice to surround it, and if there is ever an occasion in my life to choose lattice for some project around the house - I will not choose it - ever.

The helping hand I was hoping to get from my youngest did not work out, and this is now a solo project. I may be finished by 4th of July. =\

It was nice to have Jess and Ernie pop over w/ lil Aiden this evening. We grilled some burgers and goofed off a bit... but tomorrow morning, its back to work.... When I'm done with this side of the railing, I get to paint it from the outside too.. top and bottom.

...gotta paint the lattice...gotta paint the lattice... gotta paint the lattice... ugh.

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