Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Finals and Farewells

Today was the last classroom session with my students this semester.

Students can come to the Writing Center Thursday morning during the 2 hours that I am there (and some of them will come) so they can learn the grade they earned on this last writing project (in today's photo).

Reading some of the thoughts they have written on this last project is always pleasurable for me. There are moments during the semester when I wonder if they are learning anything. Then, as the Finish Line approaches, lots of what they've learned comes bubbliing out.

A few of the thoughts they wrote are:

"I learned that if I wanted to expand my writing skills I had to learn to do multiple drafts. By doing multiple drafts I expanded my knowledge as a writer by a great amount."

"Overall as a student this spring semester, I have learned to like myself."

"For once in my life I actually forced myself to not procrastinate and I felt most accomplished when I received a B- on my Project 4. Althought a B- is not a perfect score, I had worked so hard the grade still felt satisfying."

And the one I quoted in yesterday's blip and again now:
"I signed-up for an English course and ended up with an education."

Honestly, these students are expressing these thoughts because of what they have accomplished, not because of anything I have done. I've simply done my job. I've done what I get paid to do. These students, some of them, have tasted difficult, tiring, stressful academic work. Now they are tasting their accomplishment, their victory. This is also a delicious moment for me.

Now to finish the reading and grading; then tally the scores to enter them into the grade book and then the final grade roster; then tabulate the assessment project results which includes a written report to the Dean and then put this semester on the history shelf. I'm attending a conference next week, so I may miss the commencement ceremony on Thursday, June 10.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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